This one's been highly touted as a stalwart among IPAs. Not for the weak-willed and hopped to about 95 IBUs. Has drawn a lot of comparisons with Bell's Hopslam. Verdict below!
Date: 1/19/10 7:15pm
Beer: West Coast IPA by Green Fash Brewing (San Diego)
Abv: 7.3%
From: Bottle
Vesse: Snifter
Temp: 42f
Pours a beautiful, hazy, dark-orange color with a nice fluffy white head! Nose is pine at first, then lots of citrus notes going on...orange, grapefruit, and melon. Tongue is VERY pine with a hint of citrus in and out. So hopped it feels like pop rocks on the tongue after being imbibed! A very subtle malt flavor is JUST enough to balace the veritable WAVE of hops in here...PHEW! If you're looking for a perfect balance of malt and hops you will NOT find it here. This is only to really be enjoyed, per se, by those who crave hops. While dogfish head 120min suffers from a bit too much sweetness, what may keep this from being an epic is a lack thereof.
I'll have to try this one out, I love IPAs